The Kenmore Quickies “Quick-Off” Party!

We had quite a ride at our 1st Annual Quick-Off Party to assign our playwrights to our directors to our actors to our prompts. Wow, that was a mouthful.

Our Playwrights are:

  • Caitlin Gilman
  • Carolynne Wilcox
  • Julieta Vitullo
  • Christopher Kidder-Mostrom
  • Catherine Rush
  • Marcus Gorman
  • John C. Davenport
  • Betsy Hanson

Our Directors are:

  • Elizabeth Hershly
  • Kelly Rogers Flynt
  • Nikki Fey-Burgett
  • Jane Ryan
  • Ted Jaquith
  • Curtis Rawls
  • Doug Knoop
  • Carol Gnojewski

Our Actors are:

  • Kelsey Boulton
  • Mary Kay Voss
  • Laura Crouch
  • Diane Jamieson
  • Anthony Floyd
  • Dawn Cornell
  • Kathryn Lampe
  • Terry Boyd
  • Chavi Khare
  • Jana Blumberg
  • David Gehrman

And how did it all stack up? Who got randomly picked with whom? What do the prompts, curated from the Kenmore Mural Project, look like? Who got what? YOU’LL HAVE TO SHOW UP TO FIND OUT!

All I can say is that the teams are in full force. We’ve got 3 more days until scripts are due. We’ve actually had 3 writers turn their work in before the March 6th deadline! Rehearsals start July 7th and the teams are ready to rock it!

Personally, I can’t wait to see what they’re going to come up with!

So, what are you waiting for? Get your tickets!