Christie Lynn Devoe

We are ecstatic to have Christie Lynn Devoe playing Pattie in Kimberly Akimbo next month. Let’s get to know Christie!

In one word, describe your character in Kimberly Akimbo:


In one word, describe yourself:


In one sentence, what excited you the most about this play?

The characters seem simple, but are quite complex when you look at them closely and their relationships with one another are at once familiar and absurd.

What has been your favorite role?

This will sound silly, but I loved playing Frances Perkins in Annie – even though she’s a tiny ensemble role in only one scene – she is a woman from history that I didn’t know much about until I played her. Look her up! She was a pretty great woman!

Recent play you’ve seen that you have loved?

Most recent was Citizen, An American Lyric at Sound Theatre Company. Difficult material. Powerful material. Heart-breaking and moving. Motivating.

One word to describe Cindy:


Favorite vacation.

Seattle! (We took a family vacation one summer when we lived in NJ. We had no idea at the time we would be moving here just a couple years later!)

Cats or dogs?


Favorite burrito filling:


Do an anagram of your name.

Christie Lynn Devoe = her nice love destiny (I’m laughing so hard as I type this…)

Don’t miss Christie Oct 4-20 in Kimberly Akimbo!